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Fifth Generation

17 April 1878 - ? 1949

The above picture is badly damaged which is very sad.
It must have been a beautiful picture of Madge when first taken and now doesn't do her justice.

Second daughter of William Lawson and Ellen Gossling.
Married H. John Clark, solicitor. Lived at Ivy House, High Street, Lymington, close to the church. There were no children. Madge was a nurse.

Ivy House

Madge and her husband, John and Ivy House played an important part in the lives of the Lymington Klitz families.

Betty's reminiscences - "Auntie Madge lived in Ivy House further up the High Street and it became a second home to us. She was my idea of Mrs Tiggywinkle, a happy rosy body who loved children. She spent her life amidst laundry steam and baking fresh bread, preserving everything from their bounteous garden and sometimes-special-treat having tea in the summer house or in the beach hut at Hordle Cliff. Her dream was to visit her sister, Batty and family in New Zealand but sadly her heart was not strong enough."


Madge and four generations of the family on the occasion of Tony Klitz's 21st birthday.

Madge with John in later years

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Madeleine Edith