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Second Generation

20 March 1777 - 09 April 1839
(Cannot find an entry for Georg's death in the Census)

Georg Phillip, youngest son of Johann Christophe of Lohnberg, Nassau, Germany. Born in Biebrich, Germany and died in Lymington. (Bill Klitz's words)
Updated information, thanks to Julia Molden: Over a century later in the economic crisis of the post-WWI era, Biebrich was struck hard by unemployment and so it merged with the bigger and much wealthier nearby spa city of Wiesbaden, of which it is now a borough.

Since communicating with Richard Hamer, - see details here - in July 2006 a cousin of Richard's Father sent the following information.

"I happened across a reference recently about Georg Phillip. He was born in the County (ruled by a Count) of Nassau in what is now the State of Rheinland-Pfalz. In 1806 the Count inherited various adjoining states and became a Duke and so Nassau became a Duchy. Later, the then Duke backed the wrong side in the Austro-Prussian war and so only in 1866 was his Duchy annexed by Prussia. (The unemployed Duke later inherited Luxemburg, which his descendants still rule). So Georg Phillip was a Nassauer.

"It is interesting that he was a military musician. For many years Germany exported complete military bands to foreign lands. They were particularly popular in the United States and it seems in this country as well."

Georg Phillip came to England in about 1789. He enlisted with the British Armed Forces in in the Flintshire Regiment, and it was while stationed near Lymington that he met and subsequently married Elizabeth Lane of Lepe (1781 - 16 November 1838) at Boldre Church on 04 September 1801.

Copy of certificate of marriage states:
George Philip Glitz (for G read K) Drum Major Flintshire Regiment of Militia, and
Elizabeth Lane of Lymington,
were married in the Parish of Boldre Hants, by banns, on the fourth day of September 1801.
In the presence of Thomas Williams and Sarah Fiander, by me, John Gilpin, curate.



Read more about Boldre Church here

There were possibly 13 children, but as details/records only 6 of them can be found, information on only these is given.
(See notes with the tree at the bottom of the page)

The only proof that there were 12 children at one time is given by Philip in his book, "Tales of The New Forest". In the chapter entitled "The Doctor's Story", in mentioning the family ailings, he says: "As we mustered just a dozen, there were in 'catching complaints' generally three or four down at a time".

All six sons were well-known musicians.

  • Philip - 07 June 1805 - 12 January 1854
  • Charles - 1810 - 16 February 1864
  • William - 1812 - 30 May 1857

  4.   James Frederick - 1813 - 02 October 1870
  5.   Robert John - 13 January 1815 - 30 December 1899
  6.   John Henry - 1816 - 1880

Georg Phillipp was drum-major of the Royal Flintshire Militia and a musical composer. His service in the army was from 1795 - 1816 and he was discharged with the rank of Sargeant suffering from a hernia. His service entitled him to become a Chelsea pensioner.

Note from the Colonel - Royal Flintshire Militia
This is to certify that Philip Klitz, Sergeant in the first vacant company has served as a musician in the Royal Flintshire Militia from the commencement of the present war to the 28th day of June 1805
and that his wife and two children left the Regiment on Sept. 10th 1804.
Given under my hand at Hythe June 28th 1805 Thomas Hanmer
Colonel Commanding Flintshire Militia.

The following two items (an original copy and a direct link) from the public records Office at Kew:

Royal Hospital Chelsea: Soldiers Service Documents WO 97/1106/9

Document WO13/755 Muster Roll, Hythe 25 June - 24 December 1797

Philip Glitz, (Klitz) Private - Commanded by Col. Edward Wrench

Monthly pay list and Muster Roll of the Flintshire Regiment of Militia 25 December 1797 - 24 January 1798 as entry number 17 of Capt. Ince’s Company, Philip Glitz (Klitz) was paid £1.11s for 31 days service.
This rate continues until 25 June when as Drummer under Capt. Mostyn's Company he is paid £1.14.4 1/2 for 30 days which rate continues until December 1799 when he is back in the ranks under the Commandant’s Company at £1.10s for 30 days.

The misspelling of the family name was subsequently corrected. The' glitch' was apparently considered to being long undetected because of illiteracy in those days.

Georg Phillip served in the army against Napoleon Bonaparte but because of a 'rupture' he had to leave the serving forces, though he continued as Master of the band and eventually became a Chelsea Pensioner

N.B. France declared war on Britain and Holland on 1st February 1793
Great Britain declared war on France 18 May 1803
Spain declared war on Great Britain December 1804

George Phillip, started as a musician, toured south Hampshire visiting Southampton, Portsmouth, Romsey and the Isle of Wight, with four of his sons, giving concerts and supplementing his income as a carter, presumably specialising at the same time in the supply of musical instruments. These musical tours and trading must have started sometime after 1816 when he left his army service.
One of these sons - Robert John, took over the enterprise and was later to open the business under the name R. Klitz and Sons at 88 High Street, Lymington, Hampshire.

Advertisement in the Hampshire Telegraph 4th March 1822

G. P. KLITZ most respectfully informs the Ladies and Gentlemen of Lymington and it's vicinity, that he has just received from London an assortment of new PIANOFORTES of the most approved makers, of the best manufacture and particularly esteemed. Also Colonel Hawker's Royal patent Handmoulds to facilitate playing on a keyed instrument, which are approved by Messrs Clementini, J. B. Cramer and also the Chief Professors on the Continent, which are now on sale, or he will engage to procure any sort of musical instruments of the best manufacture, on the shortest notice. Also the newest publications and all other articles in the music line - the whole sold at London prices.
Klitz also has several very excellent second-hand instruments for sale, or let or hire.

Hampshire Telegraph report Saturday January 24th 1829

There are few amusements in this inclement weather which have sufficient attractions to draw us from the comforts of our firesides; but we are happy to hear that the bill of fare of Messrs. Klitz and Sons' Grand Miscellaneous Concert at Lymington, on Friday last, was sufficiently attractive to draw together a highly respectable assemblage of the first families in the neighbourhood, to witness the performers - The Glees and songs were received with great applause; but the company expressed their more particular approbation of a Grand Trio for the harp, pianoforte and violin, performed by three brothers of Mr Klitz's family, composed especially for the Concert by the eldest brother. The Overture to L'Italiana in Algeri, was executed with such effect as to call forth unanimous encores.
Mr William Klitz delighted the audience with his performance on the harp. A violin solo performed by Mr. P. Klitz, as well as his Fantasia on the pianoforte, received unqualified approbation.
The inhabitants of Lymington have cause to be proud of the musical talent of their young townsman and we heartily wish him success in his profession.

The general arrangement was excellent and highly creditable to Mr. K. and his family.

Report from Hampshire Telegraph 23 August 1830

Mr Klitz, assisted by his 6 sons, gave his promised concert at Christchurch on Thursday last, to a full attendance of the Nobility and Gentry of that neighbourhood. The whole of the performances were highly applauded, and a strong desire was expressed that Mr Klitz would annually give the neighbourhood a musical treat of this description. Some of the Glees etc. excited the warmest praise, and the Septell by Mr K. and his six sons (arranged from Bochsa by Mr. P. Klitz) was given with extraordinary skill and effect.

Copy of a letter to Lord Viscount Melbourne relating to Georg Philip's Alien's Certificate

Lymington October 20th 1832

My Lord
     I am requested by Mr Capper to inform your Lordship that I have been inhabitant and householder in Lymington for 28 years and have paid parochial and assessed taxes during the whole of that period and am in receipt of a pension from the Chelsea Hospital of 1/- per day for my services as sergeant in the Army.

     I trust that this information will be satisfactory to your Lordship and should feel particularly obliged by being informed in reply if I may consider myself safe from annoyance, which certain electioneering parties in this town would willingly subject me to, as not being a natural born subject of the King of England. Allow me to add with great respect for, and deference to your Lordship, that although born an alien I have faithfully served in the cause of the British Empire as my pension warrants and that I hope to end my days in this, the land of my adoption.

     I have the honour to be, my Lord, your Lordships most obedient humble servant.

(Signed) G. P. Klitz.
To The Right Honourable Lord Viscount Melbourne

Five of George Philip and Elizabeth Lane's children with known descendents


Charles James Frederick Robert John John Henry


Georg Phillip 20.03.1777 - 15.04.1839
= Elizabeth Lane - 1781 - 21.11.1838
Philip 07.06.1805 - 12.01.1854
= Charlotte Amelia Lyte - 20.06.1809 - 03.06.1883

Charles 1810 - 1864 1st qtr
= Ariana - 1815 - 1887 1st qtr

William 1812 - 1857
= Mary Atwood - 1806 - 1864 3rd qtr in Basingstoke

James Frederick 1813 - 02.10.1870
= Sarah Everard - 1815 - 1883 2nd qtr in Northampton

Robert John 13.01.1815 - 30.12.1899
= Phoebe Green - 11.11.1814 - 11.03.1877

John Henry 1816 - 1880 4th qtr in Croydon
= Sarah Shephard - 1813 - ?

Listed on the original family tree, drawn by Bob, are the following other members, but no details have been found of any of these to verify their accuracy:

George Frederick - 1802
Elizabeth Sophia - 1804
John - 1806
William - 1807
Louisa - 1818
Frederick - 1819
Henry - 1821

The children are therefore now given a birth order number omitting the above queried members until further details become available.

There is a five year gap between Philip and Charles, which might be considered unusual for the day. The other unknowns are before and after the dates for the known members, so positive records are needed for proof of these.

Note also - it seems that a pastor of Lymington church at some time during these years, disposed of all the local church records.
The Census records at present available only go back to 1841, so there are no records yet for Georg and Elizabeth's residencies and early family dates.

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Georg Philip