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Alphabetical Links



This is a list of links to items I thought might be of some interest to readers.
Linked in roundabout ways to Klitz and families in general,
I therefore thought they were appropriate for inclusion.


The law of Inheritance by Gregor Mendel - Mendel's Law

To a Beloved Husband - The Albert Memorial

Wedding Anniversaries - Anniversaries Birthstones and Flowers

Your links with the stars! - Astrology

Especially for You - You are Special

The Language of Flowers - Flowers

The One and Only - Only children


Here are the the origins of all the given names included in the Klitz family Tree.
Use the alphabet to look up your name to find it's derivation.

Information obtained from:The Oxford Popular Dictionary of Babies Names and
The Reader’s Digest Great Encyclopaedic Dictionary


There are two additional pages of names about which I have been unable to find details -
one for English names and one for German names.

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