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Email: family@klitzandsons.co.uk
Fifth Generation |
27 August 1875 " 31 January 1945
Twin, first born son of William Lawson and Ellen Gossling
Bachelor. Estate Agent. Lived at 9 Wellesley Road, Croydon. World traveller
The twins (Stewart and Harold with their father, William)
Betty's reminiscences " Uncle Stewart lived in Croyden and often came to enjoy Mother's cooking.
He ate so fast that he would finish before Dad had done the carving.
He sent us the most expensive gifts at Christmas time, as did Uncle Wilfrid. Carol and I had matching white fur coats but I don't remember meeting him. After Stewart died Dad had all his photos and itineries from his world trips with ghoulish souvenirs but they were lost when we left home.
Stewart and friends and his Peugeot
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Stewart George